Hollywood Nights Movie Marathon 2014

The Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan is holding their 15th annual Hollywood Nights 24-hour movie marathon at Emagine theater in Novi, Michigan. I attended the Grand Rapids version of the event last year. I didn’t think I’d be able to attend this year’s event, but some last minute changes in plans freed up my weekend!

This is a charity event (like a walk-a-thon, but with less walking) and a week doesn’t leave much time for fundraising. So – if you’d like to help out children with leukemia (you aren’t in favor of child cancer… right?) here is my personal fundraising page for the event. 100% of the funding is spent helping Michigan families and $0.83 of each dollar donated goes to patients and their families. I’ll be fronting the $100 minimum donation, and getting matching funds from my employer – so Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan gets $200 off the bat.

Even with short notice, however, writing this weblog has given me some tools for quick movie marathon organization. I’ll use my favorite automated movie marathon scheduler as soon as showtimes are available, and I’ll be packing my movie marathon survival kit. I’m looking forward to trying disposable toothbrushes for the first time – because that is just science in action right there!

I’ll be blogging the experience and posting photos (and video?) shortly after the event. Looking forward to it!

Hollywood Nights Movie Marathon Returning In October

Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan is holding their annual “Hollywood Nights” 24-hour movie marathon at the Emagine theater in Novi, Michigan on October 10-11th, 2014.

I had a great time at the 2013 Hollywood Nights Movie Marathon in Grand Rapids. I heartily recommend attending the marathon in Novi if you can. Bonus: the Emagine theater in Novi has luxury seats and cocktail service!

I’m not so sure I’ll make it, what with the birth of my third child in the same timeframe. So if I don’t make it, tell me how it went!