Get Paid for a Marvel Movie Marathon? will pay you $1,000 if you have a marvel movie marathon and tweet about it!

If you watched all of the movies in their lineup back-to-back, that’s a cool 42 hours and 47 minutes. Getting paid $23 an hour to watch movies is a pretty good wage! You also get some additional goodies:

  • Every Marvel MCU Blu-Ray film for your collection
  • A Captain America popcorn popper
  • Orville Redenbacher popcorn kernels
  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet mug
  • Iron Man snuggie

I’m not sure I need all those things, but an Infinity Gauntlet mug does sound pretty badass

I loaded up their lineup into my movie marathon app. The app tells me that if you watched all of these movies back-to-back, this is what your next two days would look like:

  • Iron Man (2008) 12:00 PM 2:06 PM
  • The Incredible Hulk (2008) 2:06 PM 4:00 PM
  • Iron Man 2 (2010) 4:00 PM 6:04 PM
  • Thor (2011) 6:04 PM 7:59 PM
  • Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) 7:59 PM 10:03 PM
  • The Avengers (2012) 10:03 PM 12:26 AM
  • Iron Man 3 (2013) 12:26 AM 2:36 AM
  • Thor: The Dark World (2013) 2:36 AM 4:28 AM
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) 4:28 AM 6:44 AM
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) 6:44 AM 8:45 AM
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) 8:45 AM 11:06 AM
  • Ant-Man (2015) 11:06 AM 1:03 PM
  • Captain America: Civil War (2016) 1:03 PM 3:30 PM
  • Doctor Strange (2016) 3:30 PM 5:25 PM
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) 5:25 PM 7:42 PM
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) 7:42 PM 9:55 PM
  • Thor: Ragnarok (2017) 9:55 PM 12:05 AM
  • Black Panther (2018) 12:05 AM 2:19 AM
  • Avengers: Infinity War (2018) 2:19 AM 4:48 AM
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) 4:48 AM 6:47 AM

Sadly, I don’t think I’m quite cool enough to get the job. You need to be a social media “influencer”.

The hero we’re looking for is not only a Marvel fanatic, but also an active, outgoing social media personality who’d be enthusiastic about live-tweeting their MCU marathon experience while tagging (@CableTV, #CableTV).

Also, I’m disappointed to find this isn’t really a movie marathon!

And don’t worry… we will let you sleep. The chosen candidate will have three days to complete this epic binge.

What is the challenge in that? Anyone with opposable thumbs can watch some movies and tweet about it. Binge watching them over 42 hours takes real skill!

Ah well – I’ll just have to wait for the next opportunity to get paid to watch movies. I’m sure it’ll come some day.

Stephen King Movie Marathon

There have been 65 movies based on the writing of Stephen King?? For heaven’s sake, that’s more than the number of novels he has published (56, in case you were wondering). Granted, the 65 movies includes sequels, remakes, and reboots (Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror anyone?), but that is still a ridiculous number of movies.

I remember “Stephen King Films” as hokey horror shows like Pet Cemetery or the TV mini-series The Langoliers. But then I found out he wrote The Shawshank Redemption – the film consistently rated as #1 in the IMDB Top 250. While his work definitely tilts towards the thrilling, horrifying, and the supernatural, he has a dramatic range that isn’t immediately clear if you are only familiar with, say, Creepshow.

Why not celebrate his best movie adaptations in a 24-hour Stephen King Movie Marathon? The “best of stephen king” movie lists are pretty consistent on which are the best adaptations out there. You can see the best eleven in 24 hours!

Stephen King Movie Marathon Movies

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption Movie PosterMy take: Might as well start with the best! The epic story of wrongful imprisonment, despair, clawing back from the brink, retribution, and finally (may I say it?) redemption. Features Morgan Freeman, the undisputed king of voiceovers, as the narrator.

Stand By Me

Stand By MeMy take: Take a brief break from Stephen King prison epics with a short, meaningful story about boyhood friendship. Features 1980s boy wonders Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman, and River Phoenix.

The Green Mile

The Green MileMy take: Settle in. At over three hours, this one will take a while. But where else but in a movie marathon will you find the time to watch the famous, critically acclaimed other Stephen King prison drama – the one with psychic powers?

The Shining

The ShiningMy take: The horror movie like no other horror movie. So “out there”, it was nominated for two Razzie awards, but now is considered one of the best horror films ever. Features Jack Nicholson as a crazy person.


Carrie Movie PosterMy take: Who hasn’t fantasized making their high school prom a bloodbath of psychic revenge against their childhood enemies? No one? Oh. Forget I said that.

The Running Man

The Running Man Movie PosterMy take: At the midway point of the movie marathon, take a break from endless epicness, bloodsoaked horror, and madness. Instead, go to pure 1980s action with Arnold Schwarzenegger in spandex spouting 80s action one-liners. It’s showtime!

The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone Movie PosterMy take: Schoolteacher is granted the power to see visions of the future just by touching someone. This turns out to be a handy skill when trying to avert future deaths and World War 3. I’d advise caution though: time travel and future visions may not be as simple as they seem (see: Hitler Time Travel Exemption, Godwin’s Law of Time Travel)


Misery Movie PosterMy take: Annie Wilkes is the ultimate fangirl and her favorite author basically just drops right into her lap. What would every fangirl do? Hold him prisoner and make him write fanfiction of course! So true to real life it’s chilling.


1408 Movie PosterMy take: A haunted hotel room that will drive you mad through hallucinations of horror? “Challenge accepted!” says the main character in this film. Wait. Isn’t this The Shining again?

The Mist

The Mist Movie PosterMy take: A portrait of people under stress. The stress – giant monsters hiding in mist. The people – infighting and murder.

Dolores Clairborne

Dolores Claiborne Movie PosterMy take: End your Stephen King movie marathon with a good, old-fashioned murder mystery and psychological thriller. Did she do it? Or did she not? Find out!

Stephen King Movie Marathon Schedule

Start TimeTitle
12:00 PMThe Shawshank Redemption
03:00 PMStand By Me
04:45 PMThe Green Mile
08:00 PMThe Shining
10:30 PMCarrie
12:15 AMThe Running Man
02:00 AMThe Dead Zone
03:45 AMMisery
05:45 AM1408
07:30 AMThe Mist
09:45 AMDolores Clairborne
11:57 AMFinish


“F This Movie” Loves Movie Marathons!

I was delighted to stumble across Patrick Bromley’s F This Movie weblog and podcast and find an impressive number of 24-hour movie marathon ideas.

Patrick recently held his first full 24-hour movie marathon for his 40th birthday, but also creates hypothetical 24-hour movie marathon schedules just for fun. My favorite was his “Before They Were Famous” 24-hour movie marathon – featuring early work by Scarlet Johansson, Jeff Goldblum, Sylvester Stallone, and many others.

Take a look at this index of his 24-hour movie marathon ideas below. Support his work by checking out his website and podcast, won’t you?

24-Hour Movie Marathon Ideas from “F This Movie”

Genre Marathons
movie marathons featuring an actor
Movie Marathons Featuring a Place
  • Movies based in Los Angeles – I think Hollywood is a little biased on this one – lots of movies are set in L.A. I guess we’ll just settle and say these are the best movies set in L.A.
  • Movies based in New York – Big things happen in New York, as any New Yorker will tell you…without asking. Take a peek at the best movies set in New York.
  • Movies based in Chicago – Chicago, the city less full of itself than L.A. and New York. Check out the movie set here.
Movies From a Particular Year
Other Movie Marathon Themes

  • Movies Set in Cold Weather – Ok – we’re really reaching for a theme here, but it is a fact that many movies are set in cold weather. Yup.

My 24-Hour Movie Marathon Schedule Is Set!

The Children’s Leukemia Foundation’s 24-Hour Movie-Thon is tomorrow, and I couldn’t be more excited! The Emagine theater is playing 13 different movies Friday and Saturday, and I have a 24-hour movie marathon schedule that gets me to 10 of them. You might be thinking: “Hey – 10 movies in 24 hours is great, but why couldn’t you pack in all 13?” That sounds reasonable until you realize the two of the three I’m missing are Boo! A Medea Halloween and The Pickle Recipe. No thanks! I think this schedule is a win-win.

Check out this 24-hour schedule of the best Hollywood has to offer in the fall of 2016:

Miss Peregrine10:05 AM12:12 PM
Hacksaw Ridge12:20 PM2:31 PM
Doctor Strange3:00 PM4:55 PM
Trolls5:45 PM7:17 PM
The Accountant7:19 PM9:27 PM
Arrival9:30 PM11:36 PM
Almost Christmas11:45 PM1:46 AM
Shut In2:30 AM4:11 AM
Jack Reacher4:30 AM6:38 AM
Inferno8:00 AM10:12 AM

It won’t be easy. The home stretch of the marathon is stacked with Jack Reacher: Never Go Back and Inferno, which are cinematic garbage according to the critics. But Children’s Leukemia isn’t going to cure itself. I need to make my donors proud and stick with it for the full 24 hours! Tally-ho!

Movie Marathon 2016

A new year means a new annual movie marathon! Here is what my wife and I selected for our annual friends and family movie marathon. It may look like there is no method to the madness, but we are following our usual theme of movies neither of us has seen before, but have always wanted to see, or have heard that we should see.

A detailed schedule is below, along with detailed movie information. If you are one of the usual suspects that are invited to this event, I hope the movie list inspires you to come! If you are a visitor to this website, I hope this list inspires you to hold your own movie marathon!

I’m happy to report that kid-friendly zones we a big hit last year, so we are bringing them back Saturday evening and Sunday morning.  From 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM Saturday, we have Shaun the Sheep and Song of the Sea. And at 9:45, for older kids that want to stay late, we have The Dark Crystal. From 8:45 AM to 12:00 PM Sunday, we have Surf’s Up and Ella Enchanted.

Movie Marathon 2016 Schedule Overview

Start TimeEnd TimeTitleRuntime
11:00 AM11:00 AMDoors Open0 minutes
12:00 PM01:57 PMYou Only Live Twice117 min.
02:15 PM04:13 PMRoman Holiday118 min.
04:15 PM06:14 PMRocky119 min.
06:30 PM07:55 PMShaun the Sheep85 min.
08:00 PM09:33 PMSong of the Sea93 min.
09:45 PM11:18 PMThe Dark Crystal93 min.
11:30 PM12:55 AMHigh Noon85 min.
01:00 AM02:42 AMThe Crow102 min.
02:45 AM04:26 AMNotorious101 min.
04:30 AM06:36 AMThe Treasure of the Sierra Madre126 min.
07:00 AM08:42 AMSeven Brides for Seven Brothers102 min.
08:45 AM10:10 AMSurf’s Up85 min.
10:30 AM12:06 PMElla Enchanted96 min.
12:06 PM12:06 PMFinish min.

Movie Marathon 2016 Details

You Only Live Twice (1967)

Action | Adventure | Thriller – Rotten Tomatoes score: 72%
Plot: Agent 007 and the Japanese secret service ninja force must find and stop the true culprit of a series of spacejackings before nuclear war is provoked.
Why watch? James Bond has been a big crowd-pleaser for the past couple movie marathons. We’re going down the list of James Bond films from best to worst.

Roman Holiday (1953)

Comedy | Romance – Rotten Tomatoes score: 98%
Plot: A bored and sheltered princess escapes her guardians and falls in love with an American newsman in Rome.
Why watch? Bringing up Baby was a hilarious classic comedy, and well-received at our last movie marathon. We’re going to try another classic comedy with a fantastic leading couple: Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck.

Rocky (1976)

Drama | Sport – Rotten Tomatoes score: 93%
Plot: Rocky Balboa, a small-time boxer gets a supremely rare chance to fight the heavy-weight champion, Apollo Creed, in a bout in which he strives to go the distance for his self-respect.
Why watch? Yep. We’ve never seen it. Honest. File this one under “required pop culture viewing”.

Shaun the Sheep (2015)

Animation | Adventure | Comedy – Rotten Tomatoes score: 99%
Plot: When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City and it’s up to Shaun and the flock to return everyone safely to the green grass of home.
Why watch? Who doesn’t love Wallace and Gromit? Shaun the Sheep is a Wallace and Gromit spin-off and has a can’t-miss Rotten Tomatoes score of 99%. Here’s hoping the kid-friendly zone opens up with a bang!

Song of the Sea (2014)

Animation | Family | Fantasy – Rotten Tomatoes score: 99%
Plot: Ben, a young Irish boy, and his little sister Saoirse, a girl who can turn into a seal, go on an adventure to free the faeries and save the spirit world.
Why watch? Song of the Sea and the Secret of Kells were both produced by the same studio and feature a plot based on Irish folklore. The Secret of Kells may be too scary for the very young children at our movie marathon. Song of the Sea is more age appropriate but should be just as beautiful and quirky.

The Dark Crystal (1982)

Adventure | Family | Fantasy – Rotten Tomatoes score: 72%
Plot: On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal, and so restore order to his world.
Why watch? We missed this key piece of 80s pop culture too. We hear it is a tad dark, so we are playing it right after the kid-friendly zone for any adventurous kids that want to stay up late.

High Noon (1952)

Action | Drama | Western- Rotten Tomatoes score: 96%
Plot: A marshall, personally compelled to face a returning deadly enemy, finds that his own town refuses to help him.
Why watch? Every movie marathon needs a good western – at least in our family! Some regard High Noon as a candidate for best western ever made. It promises a non-traditional story line, and is John Wayne-free.

The Crow (1994)

Action | Drama | Fantasy – Rotten Tomatoes score: 82%
Plot: A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his fiancée’s murder.
Why watch? The Crow was highly regarded by some of the comic book and fantasy nerds I went to college with, and yet I’ve never seen it. Time to fix that!

Notorious (1946)

Drama | Film-Noir | Romance – Rotten Tomatoes score: 97%
Plot: A woman is asked to spy on a group of Nazi friends in South America. How far will she have to go to ingratiate herself with them?
Why watch? An Alfred Hitchcock movie is required at every movie marathon. We’ve already seen his most well-known films. Notorious is a less well-known film, but has a good reputation, and stars Ingrid Bergman (the leading lady from Casablanca)!

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)

Action | Adventure | Drama – Rotten Tomatoes score: 100%
Plot: Fred Dobbs and Bob Curtin, two Americans searching for work in Mexico, convince an old prospector to help them mine for gold in the Sierra Madre Mountains
Why watch? If you haven’t caught on already, we’re suckers for certain actors, directors, and genres in our movie marathon. After seeing Casablanca, Humphrey Bogart is one of our weaknesses. This is the latest in a line of Bogart films we’ve seen. I believe this one has a twist, in that Bogart is not the leading “good guy”.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)

Comedy | Drama | Musical – Rotten Tomatoes score: 88%
Plot: In 1850 Oregon, when a backwoodsman brings a wife home to his farm, his six brothers decide that they want to get married too.
Why watch? Because sometimes you have a have an exuberant musical in your life. That’s why.

Surf’s Up (2007)

Animation | Comedy | Family – Rotten Tomatoes score: 78%
Plot: A behind-the-scenes look at the annual Penguin World Surfing Championship, and its newest participant, up-and-comer Cody Maverick.
Why watch? Leonard Maltin identified Surf’s Up as a great overlooked children’s movie in his Maltin on Movies podcast. I think Happy Feet came out around the same time and audience only have so much capacity for talking penguins.

Ella Enchanted (2004)

Comedy | Family | Fantasy – Rotten Tomatoes score: 50%
Plot: Ella is under a spell to be constantly obedient, a fact she must hide from her new step-family in order to protect the prince of the land, her friend for whom she’s falling.
Why watch? Ever since Roger Ebert wrote a positive review of this movie, I’ve wanted to see it. It seems to be a Shrek-like take on fairy tales, with some good comedy and modern sensibilities thrown in.