Bring Back MST3K!

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is coming back! The Bring Back MST3K kickstarter campaign has met its minimum goal of $2.2 million. That grants the world 3 new episodes of MST3K. If the campaign raises $5.5 million, then we are collectively bequeathed a full season of 12 episodes. There are still several weeks left to go (at the time of this writing), so there is still time for you too help too.

As Thanksgiving approaches, I fondly harken back to the annual tradition of MST3K Turkey Day movie marathons. If this kickstarter campaign works, it could be the start of many more Turkey Day movie marathons to come. Joel Hodgson’s world-domination plan is to use a wildly-successful kickstarter campaign as evidence to the major television networks that the world is ready for a MST3K revival. It is time for us to stand up and say “we’re ready”!

I’m ready! MST3K made me the man I am today! Specifically: a man with a weird sense of humor, an appreciation of all movies (both good and terrible), and a love of movie marathons! It would be borderline criminal not to pass on these values to my kids.

Anyway, Joel explains it all in the video below. Chip in a couple bucks and help bring back MST3K! Think of the children!