Introducing Movie Marathon Find Beta!

I  have created another tool for your movie marathon toolboxMovie Marathon Find! My previous android app, Movie Marathon Time is geared towards creating your own movie marathon schedule at home. Movie Marathon Find, an application for Windows, Mac, and Linux, is focused on creating an optimal movie marathon schedule from a list of fixed movie showings. You would use Movie Marathon Find to create a perfect schedule for you at a movie theater, a film festival, or a convention.

Creating an optimal schedule is hard for humans. The area of mathematics that covers this is Combinatorics, specifically the study of permutations. This area of math tells us that the theoretical maximum number of schedules you can create from a list of movies is N factorial (N!). The list of possible movie schedules grows pretty fast with factorials. For example:

  1. 1! = 1
  2. 2! = 2
  3. 3! = 6
  4. 4! = 24
  5. 5 ! = 120
  6. 6! = 720
  7. 10! = 3,628,800
  8. 15! = 1.3E12 (that’s a number with 12 zeros after it!)

I don’t care what your weekend plans are, no human can (or should) bother searching through that space to find a perfect movie marathon!

Movie Marathon Find searches through this space for you, and can do so about 1 second. Computers are great at this sort of task!

V0.1 beta is my first working version of this app. The user interface isn’t too pretty, but it works! Download a copy from the Movie Marathon Find page. Send me your feedback for the next version, and let me know if you use it for your next movie marathon!

Movie Marathon Time v1.0 Now Available!

Movie Marathon Time, Version 1.0 is now available for Android at the Google Play store! Movie Marathon Time is an app that helps you plan the perfect movie marathon. You can create a movie marathon schedule in minutes by downloading movie data, arranging your schedule with some quick drag-and-drops, and adding breaktimes either automatically or manually.

If you’d like to see how it works, check out the introduction video below.

Download a copy and try it out! If you like it, please leave a review in the Google Play Store. If you really like the app, you can support future development by purchasing a copy of my movie marathon book or by clicking the ads on this website

I’d love to hear from you what features you like and what new features you’d like to see. While you are at it, send me your movie marathon creations and I’ll share them on this website!

Comment below or send me your feedback directly using the contact me page!

One more thing you should know: all movie data in this app is made available courtesy of Pay them a visit and support their work of creating an open, community-based database of movie data!

Introducing Movie Marathon Time!

Movie Marathon Time App - Marathon Overview - Pixel XLNeed help scheduling your next Movie marathon? Now there’s an app for that! Introducing Movie Marathon Time – the movie marathon app for Android devices, now available as a Beta release on Google Play.

Movie Marathon Time helps you plan the perfect movie marathon. You can search for movies by title, automatically download movie data like posters, runtime, release date, and genre, and put that movie data into your draft movie marathon.

From there, you can arrange the schedule just as you like with simple drag-and-drops. Start and stop times are kept up-to-date automatically as you change your schedule. If you change your mind on any movie, you can delete it with a simple swipe.

You can manually add breaktime between movies or let the app take care of that for you by auto-aligning your schedule. For example, the app can ensure your movies start only in 15-minute increments. This automatically builds in the all-important bathroom breaks and social time into your movie marathon schedule.

Movie Marathon Time App - List of Marathons - Pixel XLYou can create as many movie marathons as you want and share them via text, e-mail, facebook, and many other standard apps on your mobile device.

And best of all – it’s free! Download it today and send me your feedback. I’d love to hear from you what features you like and what new features you’d love to see. While you are add it, send me your movie marathon creations and I’ll share them on this website!

If you really like the app, you can support future development and this website by purchasing a copy of my movie marathon book or by clicking the ads on this website.

Check out this YouTube video to see the app in action!


All movie data in this app is made available courtesy of Pay them a visit and support their work of creating an open, community-based database of movie data!

Movie Marathon Pee Break App

I love caffeinated beverages at my movie theater outings, and I rely on them when I’m doing a 24-hour movie marathon. But what goes in, must come out. What should I do if i need a movie marathon pee break? You can’t pause the movie theater! Thank goodness we now have an app for that. Say hello to RunPee!

Everyone who has a bladder and watches movies needs to download RunPee for their mobile device. RunPee tells you exactly when to take a pee break for a given movie. No need to guess if the next scene is going to be boring or not!

The RunPee app provides:

  1. A brief movie pee summary, which describes the general pacing of the movie
  2. Specific pee times, including the number of minutes you’ll have to dash to the bathroom, a line of dialog to cue you to leave, the number of minutes into the movie the break appears
  3. Vibrating peetime alerts
  4. A visual timer to next peetime
  5. Synopsis of what you missed during your pee break
  6. And More!

You have to synchronize the app’s timer with the beginning of the movie (i.e. the fadeout of the first production company). But after that, you can rest assured that you’ll know the optimal time to dash out of that theater.

The founder of the company keeps their movie database up-to-date with his family and a few other contributors. This is a fun scrappy app company. I salute them for their brilliant product. I will be enthusiastically using it at this year’s Hollywood Nights Movie-Thon!

Run Pee Pee Times