In the not-too-distant-future, next Thanksgiving A.D. There will be a guy named Joel, not too different from you or me….hosting the second streaming Turkey Day MST3K movie marathon!
The Turkey Day marathon will be streaming live starting at noon EST on They are streaming the show via YouTube, and I believe you’ll also be able to see the show on the Official MST3K YouTube Channel. However, some report that the 2013 marathon wasn’t playable on TV-based players like Roku.
They’ll play six episodes, with host segments by Joel Hodgson – so it’ll probably last until about 9-10 PM? The schedule hasn’t been announced yet, but you can tweet Joel with your suggestions.
Speaking of episodes – the Official MST3K YouTube Channel has two full MST3K episodes available – Manos: The Hands of Fate and Mitchell! For your convenience, I’ve embedded Manos below so you can watch it immediately.