Question Mark

How Long is a Movie Marathon?

UPDATE 2/19/2017: For the authoritative definition of a movie marathon’s length, visit my movie marathon definition page. This article is an earlier version of my thoughts on the subject.

The length of a movie marathon is undefined! Can you believe it? The internet does not have an answer to a useless, nerdy question! Thankfully you have a nerd like me around to take it on!

First off, let’s start with the definition of a marathon. The relevant definition is:

3. any contest, event, or the like, of great, or greater than normal, length or duration or requiring exceptional endurance: a dance marathon; a sales marathon.

This is a good starting point, but not a tight definition. “Greater than normal length” could be two movies. Requiring “exceptional endurance” could be anything longer than, say, twelve hours.

When I think of a long viewing session, I think of a watching the original Star Wars trilogy. Watching them all in one sitting qualifies as a “greater than normal length” viewing experience (6.5 hours), and it does require some amount of endurance.

When I think of a true marathon experience, however, I’m sticking to 24 hours. Staying awake for that long, doing nothing but watching movies, does require exceptional endurance. Few people I know can do it – much like there are few people I know who can run the actual marathon footrace.

Based on this standard, I hereby proclaim the following:

  1. The minimum length of a movie marathon is six hours
  2. The ideal length of a movie marathon is twenty-four hours

There you go internet. You are welcome for my contribution.

UPDATE: I just found one other definition of movie marathon at Urban Dictionary. Their definition is:

to watch four or more movies in a row.

usually done by a movie freaks or anyone who has nothing to do to spend their free time.

I like my time-based standard better, since six hours can accommodate 3-4 movies, depending on their length. No comment on whether or not have I have nothing to do in my free time. :^)

Photo by Stefan Baudy

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