Movie Marathon Pee Break App

I love caffeinated beverages at my movie theater outings, and I rely on them when I’m doing a 24-hour movie marathon. But what goes in, must come out. What should I do if i need a movie marathon pee break? You can’t pause the movie theater! Thank goodness we now have an app for that. Say hello to RunPee!

Everyone who has a bladder and watches movies needs to download RunPee for their mobile device. RunPee tells you exactly when to take a pee break for a given movie. No need to guess if the next scene is going to be boring or not!

The RunPee app provides:

  1. A brief movie pee summary, which describes the general pacing of the movie
  2. Specific pee times, including the number of minutes you’ll have to dash to the bathroom, a line of dialog to cue you to leave, the number of minutes into the movie the break appears
  3. Vibrating peetime alerts
  4. A visual timer to next peetime
  5. Synopsis of what you missed during your pee break
  6. And More!

You have to synchronize the app’s timer with the beginning of the movie (i.e. the fadeout of the first production company). But after that, you can rest assured that you’ll know the optimal time to dash out of that theater.

The founder of the company keeps their movie database up-to-date with his family and a few other contributors. This is a fun scrappy app company. I salute them for their brilliant product. I will be enthusiastically using it at this year’s Hollywood Nights Movie-Thon!

Run Pee Pee Times

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